- Because the mediator interjects and says that if you want to try to stay together for the kids, it’s worth it. 到渐渐觉得因为不知道他的情况,不能这样不负责任的指责他;
- Gardening takes more bother than it"s worth. 种花是很费工夫的,真不值得。
- I don' t bother to iron handkerchiefs it' s not worth it. 我可不费那个事去熨手绢儿--犯不上.
- The new car cost a lot of money, but it's certainly worth it. 买这辆新汽车花了很多钱,但确实物有所值。
- Don't try to keep ahead in the rat-race- it isn't worth it. 不要企图在你争我夺中占据领先地位——那是不值得的。
- If it’s worth the user entering, it’s worth the application remembering. 如果值得用户输入,就值得程序记住。
- Morley: Well, it‘s worth it. I feel like I‘m in old China at this teahouse. 莫理:嗯,输的很值得。在这间茶坊里我似乎活在中国古代。
- IT'S WORTH remembering that air pollution is not a modern Chinese invention. 值得注意的是空气污染不是现代中国的发明创造。
- Work so hard for so little -- just be not worth it. 工作这么辛苦,却领这么少钱,实在不值得。
- You can go by bus,but it's hardly worth it. 你可以坐公共汽车去,不过这差不多用不着。
- You could go by bus,but it's hardly worth it. 你可以坐公共汽车去,不过这差不多用不着。
- You could go by bus; it's hardly worth it. 你可以坐公汽车去,不过这不太值得。
- However much the watch costs ,it will be worth it . 不管这块表的价格是多少,都是值得的。
- The book is expensive; however, it's worth it. 这本书很贵;却很值
- I suppose it's worth it to take the chance. 我觉得冒一下险值得。
- Women: Not worth it la. For such a short distance. 这么近的路不划算。
- Secondly, is getting a Visa worth it? 其次,越来越签证值不值?
- If a thing is worth saying with a dialog box, it’s worth ensuring that a user definitely gets the message. 如果某件事值得用对话框来表达,则确保用户清楚地获得这些信息也是值得的。
- Is going to university worth it? 你觉得上大学值得吗?有没有必要上大学?